Heavy Equipment Engineering Services
The company was formed in 2004 and is primarily comprised of the former Euclid Heavy Equipment (a construction and mining equipment manufacturer) design/engineering department. The company retained a large group of experienced personnel in a broad range of technical disciplines when Hitachi Construction Machinery acquired the Euclid business and discontinued its North American operations. Pioneer Solutions’ senior engineers have over 30 years of OEM based design, engineering, manufacturing, testing, and product support experience. The company supports heavy and off-highway equipment manufacturers and end users through three main business divisions – Consulting Services, Manufactured Products, and Testing Services.
Pioneer Solutions is differentiated from other companies because it has a higher level of product knowledge and design/engineering expertise, which has been acquired through decades of product development and lifecycle experience by working directly for a construction and mining equipment manufacturing company. The company’s expertise is deployed to support customers in solving complicated technical challenges.

Pioneer Solutions, LLC is a global technical services and solutions provider serving the off-highway and heavy equipment industries.

Consulting Services
Pioneer Solutions provides high level design, engineering, analysis, product management, and project management services to equipment manufacturers and end users. Pioneer has engineering and design expertise in all the technical disciplines (structural, hydraulic, power train, electrical, and software) related to developing heavy and off-highway equipment. This business is organized to support customers throughout the entire product life cycle – from new product developments through field failure investigations/resolutions, and to mature product optimizations and technology upgrades.

Manufactured Products
Pioneer Solutions manufactures and supplies specialized products to equipment manufacturers and end users in the areas of oil cooled disc brakes, braking control systems, and other specialized components. The company focuses on highly engineered components that require advanced manufacturing processes and a high level of quality to perform in the extreme applications of the construction and mining industries. This business supports customers through new product development, prototype, production, and field service.

Testing Services
Pioneer Solutions provides test program planning, procedure development, execution, oversight, and reporting services to equipment manufacturers and end users. Pioneer has test management and test engineering experience in validation programs for new prototype machines, structural, hydraulic, power train, field failure resolution, performance improvement, and global construction and mining industry certifications. This business is organized to support customers with testing in the laboratory, factory, and field.